Resources for children in Headingley
Are you looking for more information about elementary school, nursery school, daycare, or programs available in Headingley for your child? Here is a list of website and contact info right at your fingertips!
Headingley Municipal Library (49 Alboro Street)
Offers programs for children ages 0-12 throughout the year
(204) 888-5410
MacDonald Headingley Recreation District (81 Alboro Street)
Offers programs for children and adults throughout the year, and publishes the quarterly program community and resource guide
(204) 885-2444
Bright Beginnings Educare (5330 Monterey Road)
Licensed daycare that offers spots for infant, preschool, and school age care
(204) 895-1147
Phoenix School (111 Alboro Street)
Elementary School (K-5), within St. James Assiniboia School Division
(204) 889-5053
Phoenix Nursery School (153 Seekings Street)
Offers nursery school programming, 5 days a week, for children ages 3-5
(204) 888-7885