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Resources for children in Headingley

Resources for children in Headingley

Are you looking for more information about elementary school, nursery school, daycare, or programs available in Headingley for your child? Here is a list of website and contact info right at your fingertips!

Headingley Municipal Library (49 Alboro Street)

Offers programs for children ages 0-12 throughout the year

(204) 888-5410


MacDonald Headingley Recreation District (81 Alboro Street)

Offers programs for children and adults throughout the year, and publishes the quarterly program community and resource guide

(204) 885-2444


Bright Beginnings Educare (5330 Monterey Road)

Licensed daycare that offers spots for infant, preschool, and school age care

(204) 895-1147


Phoenix School (111 Alboro Street)

Elementary School (K-5), within St. James Assiniboia School Division

(204) 889-5053


Phoenix Nursery School (153 Seekings Street)

Offers nursery school programming, 5 days a week, for children ages 3-5

(204) 888-7885