This is one of the sweetest chapter books I’ve read this year. Marisol has a tree in her backyard named Peppina, but they’re not really friends. Marisol desperately wants to climb up past the booster branch, the knobby branch, and dangle her legs over the side of one of the taller branches like her brother, Oz, but she’s too scared to climb Peppina. Her best friend, Jada, is the best kind of friend who doesn’t make fun of her fear, but even with Jada’s support, Marisol isn’t ready to climb Peppina. Marisol and Jada find other things to do, like watching and performing in silent movies and riding bikes, but Marisol finally decides the day has come. I love this story about friendship and facing fears, and I’m a fan of the author’s illustrations.
I look forward to reading more about Marisol in future books.