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NEW BOOK – Sled Dog School by Terry Lynn Johnson

Sled Dog School by Terry Lynn Johnson, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (October 2017). Ages 9-12.

What I enjoy most about Terry Lynn Johnson’s books is the information I learn about a subject while thoroughly enjoying a story. This book was no exception. There are a lot interesting facts about dog sledding and mushing, but they quietly take a backseat to the entertaining story of Matt and the dog school he creates for a math class project. Friendship, teamwork, perseverance, and resilience are themes in the book, and it would be excellent to read and use in the classroom.



Eleven-year-old Matt is struggling in school and he has to set up his own business to save his failing math grade. But what is he even good at? The only thing he truly loves is his team of dogs, and so Matt’s Sled Dog School is born. Teaching dogsledding should be easy, right? But people, just like dogs, can be unpredictable. And sometimes the bravest thing a person can do is admit they need help